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Car Radio DAB(+) not working properly

Startet av k_amy21, onsdag 18. juli 2018, klokken 13:45

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hope you don't mind a post in English. My Norwegian is still not that good to explain the issue I have. :-/

Recently I bought a 1-year old e-Golf with a post-installed Radio DAB (maybe DAB+?!). I am having a loooot of interruptions during listening; it drops out every few minutes for several seconds (even when outside of tunnels!). Also, it takes about 30 seconds to switch to another station.

When I called the car dealership (from whom I bought the car), they say I should update the Radio DAB. Since the car did not come with the Radio DAB (it was later installed in the car), there are no instructions on how to update the Radio DAB.

I am concerned (i) if this was installed correctly at all from the very beginning, (ii) is it necessary to update DAB from time-to-time (is this common to do?), or (iii) is the car dealership just neglecting my complaints and trying to get me of their back by saying "it needs an update".

I would appreciate very much any information you have on this or experience exchange. You may write in Norwegian, if easier, but please use Bokmål. ;)

Thank you in advance.



Do you by any chance run a dashcam in your car? Some of them (many) interfere with DAB reception.


Yes, it must be DAB+ since that is what works in Norway. What brand is your post-installed DAB+-receiver? One common mistake is that the antenna is mounted horizontal instead of vertical.
Tesla S75D - 09/2018


Thank you for your answers and suggestions. Meanwhile, I was able to find out the brand of the DAB+ radio I have (Denison DBU3GEN), and reconfigure it based on the instructions I found on internet. The problem with signal drop-off is now solved - the streaming is perfectly stable, even in tunnels. :)
However, the long-time needed to switch between the stations is still there. I called the company that sells such radios and they suggested I come over and let them have a look. So let's hope they will be able to do something about it.
Does anyone with the same DAB radio brand experience the same problem with long waiting time to switch the stations?

Also, to answer your questions:
- I do not have a dashcam in the car.
- The antenna is mounted vertically.

Roy e-Nordmann

All e-golfs sold in Norway have original built-in DAB+ in the Discovery pro systems. Only inport models often lack DAB+.

I know someone with an import e-golf, and the built in antenna in the rear window can actually be used for DAB reseption on all golf MK7 and up with a antenna splitter, but if you use an external window "antenna on tape", this has to be mounted corectly for the reseption quality to be good.
The Dension DAB adapter connected to the car by USB is a nice way to integrate the radio into the car, and be able to control it with the steering wheel buttons. But it is known for a bit of a buffer time when powering on and switching stations. A 10 seconds ++ is normal for the Dension adapter when switching stations.
2017 e-Golf FL Atlantic Blue


Sitat fra: k_amy21 på onsdag 18. juli 2018, klokken 13:45

hope you don't mind a post in English. My Norwegian is still not that good to explain the issue I have. :-/

Recently I bought a 1-year old e-Golf with a post-installed Radio DAB (maybe DAB+?!). I am having a loooot of interruptions during listening; it drops out every few minutes for several seconds (even when outside of tunnels!).

The question is about if they installed an original antenna?

Taped antennas on the inside of the front window is not recommended as the E-Golf has small filaments in the frontscreen as window heating. It will weaken the signal. The only antenna is the original for optimal DAB+ reception. It consists of 4 individual antennas (some with amplifiers) AM/FM, DAB, CarNet and GPS. (I do not know if the WIFI-antenna is included in the antenna or placed in one of the outside mirrors? In case - it is 5 antennas).
Most of the DAB+tuners are made of the same manufacturer (Frontier Silicone) who has made the input circuitry also (antenna aplifiers). It will give no better reception to change the DAB+radio (to the same circuits). The only solution is an optimation of the antenna!
VW E-UP nov. 2013 -> april 2017
TMS S85D mars 2015
VW E-Golf mai 2017

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