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WOW, Leaf 2019 60 kWh battery ,160 kW motor, 11 to 22 kW onboard charger,

Startet av Disqusor, lørdag 07. juli 2018, klokken 21:47

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Nissan Leaf prototype with new 60 kWh battery pack leaked fast-charging at 102 kW.

Based on the report, the new version of the vehicle would feature a 60 kWh battery pack as expected, but also a new 160 kW electric motor, 11 to 22 kW onboard charger, and a fast-charging capacity of ~100 kW or about twice as powerful as the current version.

The new battery pack is also reportedly equipped with a thermal management system, which would be a big step up for Nissan. The new battery pack will push the range over 200 miles, but I would argue that the increased charge rate is going to be even important and that's partly due to the new cells and thermal management system.


Dersom prisen blir under 350k vil dette bli Norges mestselgende bil i 2019! Leaf med slike specs vil kunne erstatte fossilbilen for de fleste av oss!
2015 Renault ZOE Intense (R240) - solgt
2017 Renault ZOE Intense ZE40
2014 Tesla S85 (classic RWD med AP1)


Sitat fra: Disqusor på lørdag 07. juli 2018, klokken 21:47

Nissan Leaf prototype with new 60 kWh battery pack leaked fast-charging at 102 kW.

Based on the report, the new version of the vehicle would feature a 60 kWh battery pack as expected, but also a new 160 kW electric motor, 11 to 22 kW onboard charger, and a fast-charging capacity of ~100 kW or about twice as powerful as the current version.

The new battery pack is also reportedly equipped with a thermal management system, which would be a big step up for Nissan. The new battery pack will push the range over 200 miles, but I would argue that the increased charge rate is going to be even important and that's partly due to the new cells and thermal management system.


Nissan has not sold AESC.


Det artikkelforfatteren ikke har fått med seg at AESC-dealen gikk i vasken for noen dager siden betyr ikke at alt er FAKE NEWS. Det betyr i hvert fall ikke at 60 kWh Leaf vil ha AESC-batterier. Jeg betrakter specs i artikkelen som rykter, og det gjør i grunn artikkelforfatteren også da han bruker order "unconfirmed".


Sitat fra: Desti på søndag 08. juli 2018, klokken 01:00
Sitat fra: Disqusor på lørdag 07. juli 2018, klokken 21:47


Nissan has not sold AESC.

Fake og fake... AESC var jo solgt. At Nissan nå kansellerer avtalen med bakgrunn i at kjøperen har misligholdt avtalen ved å ikke betale, opptil flere ganger, ser jeg ikke helt hvilken sammenheng dette skal ha med Leaf 60 kWh å gjøre.

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