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GREAT news for Model X owners with the dreaded shudder

Startet av pers1, fredag 06. juli 2018, klokken 21:52

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«My X is in the shop right now for the shudder that needs no explanation. I just got a call from my SC that told me that they just got off the phone with a "senior" engineer from Cali that says there IS a newly designed part that is a permanent fix that will be shipping out to service centers soon. He said they dont have an ETA or even a ballpark as to when they would be able to get some in hand but gave me the option if I wanted to have them throw old new axles in today or wait for the newly designed ones to show up.

Supposedly, the new axles are going to have some sort of dampeners built into themto absorb any vibration and permanently end the shudder.

Just thought you guys would like to hear that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Made me happy to hear at long last.»
2021 Model 3 Pearl White LR AWD E3D, FSD & 19". SERE9TY
VW e-Golf ( 07.12.18 -)
VW e-Golf (19.03.15 - 07.12.18)
Tidligere Tesla'r Model S 75D AP1.0, 90D AP2.0 og TM X 100DMCU2 HW3 & FSD


 :+1: :+1:
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