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Zebra monitor for Think City/ Zebra and Windows 10

Startet av Dariusz Kowalczyk, mandag 21. mai 2018, klokken 15:26

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Dariusz Kowalczyk

I have installed Peak USB/CAN converter and Zebramonitor on my PC running Windows 10.
The USB/CAN works well, I'm able to trace CAN communication with Think, but Zebramonitor is giving error message: CAN hardware not found!
Any advice what can be the reason?

Best regards


Try older version of the PCan driver, the one that is provided in the ZM install file.
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- Th!nk A266 PIV4 (also for sale)
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Dariusz Kowalczyk

I tried the old PCan driver, but first installed the new drivers from web, so maybe this messed up something. Will try with the old one on another PC.
Thank you for hint :)

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