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DS 3 Crossback

Startet av GeirOlav, torsdag 05. april 2018, klokken 10:24

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Mr Oizo

DS3 er annonsert med ca 50 kwh batteri. Dårligere enn Niro selvsagt, men fortsatt ganske bra for de fleste. Leaf 40 selger jo som hakka møkk til omtrent samme forventede pris.


Blir spennende å se hvordan det går med produksjonstakten til DS3. At de sier at det ikke blir noe problemer med levering siden de kan bytte mellom hybrid, bensin og batteri, er ikke noe betryggende. Det er batteriproduksjonen som er begrensende. Jeg aner ikke hvem som produserer batteriene. Noen her som har lest noe om det?

Når Leaf får 60 kwh batteri, så må de vel stille seg i samme kø som Kia/Hyundai. Har DS begynt å produsere egne batterier? 
Hyundai Kona electric 2019
Volvo XC40 Recharge P8 Twin 2021
Volvo XC40 Recharge P8 Twin Ultimate 2023


Jeg er helt sikker på at DS3 blir en ettertraktet bil. Har reserver denne selv. Se forøvrig en video jeg la ut på kanalen min fra BOS Økern i høst.


Får håpe at den ikke blir for dyr og at BOS ikke setter på spinneville priser på ekstrautstyr, som de har gjort på e-Niro. Skulle tro at ekstrautstyr fritatt moms burde være billigere enn ekstrautstyr (på biler) med moms...

Noen som vet hvor mange som står på liste nå?
Hyundai Kona electric 2019
Volvo XC40 Recharge P8 Twin 2021
Volvo XC40 Recharge P8 Twin Ultimate 2023

Electric cars in Norway

Mener jeg leste et sted Agder nærmer seg flere tusen i kø


Sitat fra: Daniel_0007 på fredag 02. november 2018, klokken 10:40
Sitat fra: batterimannen på torsdag 01. november 2018, klokken 22:51
Britisk side som gjetter på pris:

The DS 3 Crossback E-Tense has an estimatedn On The Road Price (OTR) of £29,500. The OTR Price includes VAT, first year of VED, vehicle first registration fee, number plates and delivery. The DS 3 Crossback E-Tense is eligible for the Plug-In Car Grant (PICG) of £3,500. The grant will be applied to the final invoice price of the car. The OTR Price including the PICG for the DS 3 Crossback E-Tense is £26,000.

Virker litt optimistisk?

Ja pundet ligger på nesten 11 så kan ikke se denne koste 270 000, ser forresten kona i 39 kwh utgave som ikke fåes her selges i uk for £27 000 i premium utgave, de burde ikke legge seg altfor høyt over kona spør du meg.
Kan ikke se for meg at man får en elektrisk ds3 til under 330 000

DS skal være premiumbiler, så de vil nok ligge over Kona i pris. PSAs merke som konkurrer nærmest med Hyundai/KIA er Citröen.

Electric cars in Norway

Jeg håper virkelig at DS3 ikke blir en for dyr bil for da blir den ikke så populær her i Norge :'(


Sitat fra: xyzzy på mandag 19. november 2018, klokken 21:51
Sitat fra: Daniel_0007 på fredag 02. november 2018, klokken 10:40
Sitat fra: batterimannen på torsdag 01. november 2018, klokken 22:51
Britisk side som gjetter på pris:

The DS 3 Crossback E-Tense has an estimatedn On The Road Price (OTR) of £29,500. The OTR Price includes VAT, first year of VED, vehicle first registration fee, number plates and delivery. The DS 3 Crossback E-Tense is eligible for the Plug-In Car Grant (PICG) of £3,500. The grant will be applied to the final invoice price of the car. The OTR Price including the PICG for the DS 3 Crossback E-Tense is £26,000.

Virker litt optimistisk?

Ja pundet ligger på nesten 11 så kan ikke se denne koste 270 000, ser forresten kona i 39 kwh utgave som ikke fåes her selges i uk for £27 000 i premium utgave, de burde ikke legge seg altfor høyt over kona spør du meg.
Kan ikke se for meg at man får en elektrisk ds3 til under 330 000

DS skal være premiumbiler, så de vil nok ligge over Kona i pris. PSAs merke som konkurrer nærmest med Hyundai/KIA er Citröen.
Over Kona i pris og kortere rekkevidde er dødfødt.

Sent fra min Moto G (5S) Plus via Tapatalk


Sitat fra: Måkemannen på tirsdag 20. november 2018, klokken 18:50
Sitat fra: xyzzy på mandag 19. november 2018, klokken 21:51
Sitat fra: Daniel_0007 på fredag 02. november 2018, klokken 10:40
Sitat fra: batterimannen på torsdag 01. november 2018, klokken 22:51
Britisk side som gjetter på pris:

The DS 3 Crossback E-Tense has an estimatedn On The Road Price (OTR) of £29,500. The OTR Price includes VAT, first year of VED, vehicle first registration fee, number plates and delivery. The DS 3 Crossback E-Tense is eligible for the Plug-In Car Grant (PICG) of £3,500. The grant will be applied to the final invoice price of the car. The OTR Price including the PICG for the DS 3 Crossback E-Tense is £26,000.

Virker litt optimistisk?

Ja pundet ligger på nesten 11 så kan ikke se denne koste 270 000, ser forresten kona i 39 kwh utgave som ikke fåes her selges i uk for £27 000 i premium utgave, de burde ikke legge seg altfor høyt over kona spør du meg.
Kan ikke se for meg at man får en elektrisk ds3 til under 330 000

DS skal være premiumbiler, så de vil nok ligge over Kona i pris. PSAs merke som konkurrer nærmest med Hyundai/KIA er Citröen.
Over Kona i pris og kortere rekkevidde er dødfødt.

Sent fra min Moto G (5S) Plus via Tapatalk

Biler er mer enn rekkevidde. PSAs visjon/drøm er at DS skal konkurrere med Audi, BMW og Mercedes mens Citröen skal konkurrere mot VW og Toyota. Materialvalg, design, features bør vel være deretter - og ikke bare prisen.


Sitat fra: xyzzy på onsdag 21. november 2018, klokken 21:23
Sitat fra: Måkemannen på tirsdag 20. november 2018, klokken 18:50
Sitat fra: xyzzy på mandag 19. november 2018, klokken 21:51
Sitat fra: Daniel_0007 på fredag 02. november 2018, klokken 10:40
Sitat fra: batterimannen på torsdag 01. november 2018, klokken 22:51
Britisk side som gjetter på pris:

The DS 3 Crossback E-Tense has an estimatedn On The Road Price (OTR) of £29,500. The OTR Price includes VAT, first year of VED, vehicle first registration fee, number plates and delivery. The DS 3 Crossback E-Tense is eligible for the Plug-In Car Grant (PICG) of £3,500. The grant will be applied to the final invoice price of the car. The OTR Price including the PICG for the DS 3 Crossback E-Tense is £26,000.

Virker litt optimistisk?

Ja pundet ligger på nesten 11 så kan ikke se denne koste 270 000, ser forresten kona i 39 kwh utgave som ikke fåes her selges i uk for £27 000 i premium utgave, de burde ikke legge seg altfor høyt over kona spør du meg.
Kan ikke se for meg at man får en elektrisk ds3 til under 330 000

DS skal være premiumbiler, så de vil nok ligge over Kona i pris. PSAs merke som konkurrer nærmest med Hyundai/KIA er Citröen.
Over Kona i pris og kortere rekkevidde er dødfødt.

Sent fra min Moto G (5S) Plus via Tapatalk

Biler er mer enn rekkevidde. PSAs visjon/drøm er at DS skal konkurrere med Audi, BMW og Mercedes mens Citröen skal konkurrere mot VW og Toyota. Materialvalg, design, features bør vel være deretter - og ikke bare prisen.

Sant men nordmenn skjønner ikke det, nordmenn ser bare på audi,mercedes, bmw som premium, bare se på lexus har ikke like stor status i norge som de tyske rivalene.
Ser og at man får følgende på ds

«Only You» - et fordelsprogram for DS-eiere:

* Som DS kunde har du tilgang til en dedikert DS rådgiver 24/7 som hjelper deg hvis du har behov for assistanse eller har spørsmål knyttet til din DS

* Vi henter og bringer når bilen skal på service 1 gang per år inntil 30 km til forhandler

* Du får dekkhotell i 3 år med dekkskift og påfyll av spylervæske, olje og AdBlue (for diesel)

* Alltid tilgjengelig 24t veihjelptjeneste

* Lånebil ved driftsstans

Tviler på de gjør det gratis, alt det blir bakt inn i prisen på bilen.
Model 3 2019 LR Rwd


Eller så kan man jo snu litt på flisa og si at mange nordmenn synes de har en premiumbil grunnet;

Lav pris sett med norske øyne og masse standardutstyr som ellers koster skjorta som ekstrautstyr (les e-Tronseksjonen)

Veldig gode garantier, eierstøtte og veghjelpsordninger

Godt forhandlernett som prioriterer kunden


Men så er det eiere av visse merker vi ikke nevner som allikevel insisterer på at Nei....premium det er hva jeg kjører! På grunn av merket, pris og showrooms med farge- og lysdesign. Selv om det samme merket ikke oppfyller noen/de fleste av kriteriene den andre eieren setter pris på.


Noen som vet om det blir elektrisk justerbare seter på DS3? Bilen på Parismessen var med manuell instilling, men kanskje det kommer som tilvalg?

Så at DS Norge skrev på fjesboka at det ikke kom til å bli varme i rattet... 
Hyundai Kona electric 2019
Volvo XC40 Recharge P8 Twin 2021
Volvo XC40 Recharge P8 Twin Ultimate 2023


Nå som soul har blitt lansert med 64kwh batteri, flere som begyner å tvile litt på ds3?
Prismessig? og størrelse messig er de ganske like men soul har 50% kraftigere motor og trolig rundt 150km lenger rekkevidde mot litt mykere og mer premium interiør.
siden større niro koster 375 så må vel soul koster rundt 350, er nok rundt der ds3 har nok tenkt seg men føler nå de burde legge seg enda lavere 300 maks
Model 3 2019 LR Rwd

Roy Aasen

Fant denne..litt blanding av E-Tense og fossilCrossback.  Ser da ikke allerværst ut. El-seter m/varme er iallefall nevnt. Så er et jo bare å vente og se.
For App-fansen er det ihvertfall iorden. ;D

(Har kopiert inne hele teksten nedenfor linken)

DS 3 Crossback
Pushing back the limits, DS 3 Crossback is a vehicle of distinctive sculptural styling and exceptional proportions, available in 100% ICE (Internal Combustion Engines - petrol & diesel) and 100% Electric versions, featuring exclusive technologies and taking refinement to the extreme. Built on Groupe PSA's all-new 'Common Modular Platform' (CMP), it opens new horizons in both technology and styling. DS 3 Crossback is both a city car and a long-distance road car. Pushing conventions aside, it opts for spectacular technologies including DS MATRIX LED VISION headlights, flush door handles that deploy automatically and a fully digital driving display. These avant-garde features go hand in hand with a sense of refined comfort, a rich array of safety equipment and driver assistance functions, and unequalled acoustic excellence. Elegant and attractive, DS 3 Crossback is for all those looking for a car with instant appeal that is stylish, high-tech, comfortable and dynamic.


DS 3 Crossback is identifiable at first glance as a premium, compact SUV, with its moderate length of 4.12m, broad on-road stance and large wheels (690mm, 18"), as well as its ground clearance.

At the front, the DS WINGS form a finely chiselled setting for the sculpted, vertical lines of the emblematic DS grille. The DRLs (Daytime Running Lights) with their pearl-like vertical LEDs and the tapered headlights of the DS MATRIX LED VISION system suggest a contemporary edge and performance. An impression reinforced by the wide ribbed horizontal bonnet.

DS 3 Crossback (2019)
2019 DS 3 Crossback
Attention-to-detail is a hallmark of the DS brand and is visible everywhere, starting with the vehicle exterior:

the non-visible weather-strip seals,
the elegant flush-fitting door handles,
the roof line is clean, with no visible aerial antenna,
the roof and body in different colours,
the side shark fin,
and chrome-finished twin tailpipes (ICE engine models only).
The rear sits squarely on the road, its broad, powerful shoulders striking an evocative note of imposing style. It is also elegant with a high-tech rear light signature spanning the entire width through a strip featuring the Crossback name.

Flush-fitting door handles

The folding flush-fitting door handles are both elegant and modern. Premiered at the start of the summer on the DSXE-Tense Dream Car, this exclusive technology is new to this sector. The principle is simple: the door handles are available to users when required. The rest of the time, they fold into the vehicle sides. Moreover, with Proximity Keyless Entry and Start, the magic takes place as the key holder approaches the car, within a radius of 1.5 metres. The car unlocks and the four handles deploy automatically so the driver and passengers simply get in and drive away. Similarly, the door handles retract and the vehicle locks as they walk away from it.


It all starts on the outside: 10 wheel themes, 10 body colours - including the superb Millennium Blue seen on the DS X E-Tense Dream-Car - and three roof colours make up the initial personalisation process. Customers can choose from an extensive range of combinations for a highly personalised result.

The ultimate aspect of the personalisation process is expressed with the five DS Inspirations: DS MONTMARTRE, DS BASTILLE, DS PERFORMANCE Line, DS RIVOLI, DS OPERA and for the ultimate expression with La Première limited edition. These Inspirations mix and match colours and materials inside and outside the car, to meet individual tastes and requirements.

The Inspirations set their stamp on the interior styling for a chic, modern result, featuring grained or full-grain Nappa leather with an 'Art Leather' finish, top-stitching in a pearl or diamond pattern, braided textiles, Alcantara®, a steering wheel fully upholstered in full-grain leather including the airbag cushion and chrome trim features with a Paris Hobnail guilloche design. On the outside, the Inspirations add specific notes of detail such as the signatures on the bonnet and lower doors or the chrome trim features at the front and at the rear with a gloss, satin or textured shimmering black finish.

Attention-to-detail for a sense of extreme refinement

The coherent approach of DS interior design is also visible in the central console, inherited from DS 7 Crossback. This elegant, stylish central console with its gearbox controls, toggle switches and electric handbrake also meets day-to-day passenger needs, with a smartphone charging pad, an array of storage compartments including cup holders, and a broad, functional sliding armrest.

Illustrating this attention-to-detail, the original DS signature and brand emblem is present as a key theme and influence on many interior style features: the spectacular central fascia with its touch controls, the central and side air vents (built into the doors), the screen scenography, etc.

Sensory comfort

With DS 3 Crossback, occupants enjoy a level of comfort worthy of vehicles that occupy upper segments of the market. Comfort clearly starts with the seats. The body-hugging driver and passenger seats feature innovative bi-density foam for greater quality, without forgetting the electric control and heating functions. When the vehicle starts moving, the excellent NVH (noise, vibration and harshness) isolation provides high levels of comfort from the new platform of DS 3 Crossback.

Particular emphasis was also placed on acoustics in development. Vehicle soundproofing has been taken to a higher level with a thicker specification of metal for the door panels, a carefully designed air extraction zone, thicker glass windows and an acoustic windscreen.

Building on this level of insulation, and to achieve the DS LOUNGE effect already offered by DS 7 Crossback, DS engineers joined forces with French company FOCAL to work on the DS 3 Crossback audio system. A long-established partner of the brand (with DS E-TENSE Concept Car, DS 7 Crossback, DS X E-TENSE Dream Car) with its ELECTRA® high-end signature, FOCAL worked with DS engineers and technicians to develop a Hi-Fi system with 12 loud speakers optimally positioned around the cabin - e.g.; the tweeters are in the shark fins - for an overall power of 515 watts. The result is an exceptional immersive experience. The sound is well balanced, crisp, true to life for live, physical sound, and real spatialisation of the sound stage.


100% Electric or 100% Thermic Petrol or Diesel (ICE), with no compromise in styling or features. With DS 3 Crossback, the dream of a stylish electric vehicle becomes a reality. This first vehicle with distinctive and bold styling will be available from the second half of 2019 with an all-electric motor with advanced performance. It will deliver: more than 300km / 186 miles of autonomy - WLTP (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure) cycle, corresponding to a range of 450 kilometres / 280 miles in NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) with a function to charge the battery to 80% in 30 minutes. This advanced level of performance does not detract from interior space, since the batteries are placed under the floor.

An easy-to-drive electric motor with advanced performance from mid-2019

The electric drivetrain of DS 3 Crossback E-TENSE comprises:

an electric motor of 100kW / 136hp
a 50kWh lithium-ion battery under the floor
a regenerative braking system and deceleration system
a charging system which allows all the charging solutions available on the market (home, Wall box and 100 kW fast charging)
a new-generation heat pump for climate control in the cabin.
A system delivering high standards of performance:

range of more than 300km / 186-miles with the WLTP cycle and of 450km / 280miles with the NEDC cycle and
torque of 260Nm
0 to 50 kph / 0 to 30mph in3 seconds and 0 to 100kph / 0 to 62mph in 8.7 seconds
five hours for a full charge with a Wall box of 11kW and 80% of the battery in 30 minutes and 90 minutes with a 100kW public fast charging solution.
A city car and a road car by nature, DS 3 Crossback is the first car to feature the latest upgrade of PureTech with a 155hp petrol engine mated to the EAT8 (Efficient Automatic Transmission with 8-speeds). A powertrain built for performance and pleasure. Two other PureTech engines (130hp and 100hp) complete the range of petrol engines compatible with the latest Euro 6.3 standards. Also available, to the latest Euro 6.2 diesel standards, is the 1.5-litre BlueHDi 100 diesel engine.

Original innovations

Innovations for a new icon. DS 3 Crossback introduces a new generation of full LED lighting with Matrix Beam technology: With DS MATRIX LED VISION, the driver will see the light beam adjust automatically to provide optimal lighting and can drive outside built-up areas on full headlights without dazzling other road users.

This feature is not only spectacular, it also delivers a level of safety and driving comfort never before seen in this class of vehicle. With their modern, high-tech design, DS MATRIX LED VISION headlights also contribute to the unique visual identity of DS 3 Crossback, a signature dear to DS.

DS MATRIX LED VISION: permanent full beam

DS Matrix LED Vision lighting comprises 3 LED modules for low beam and a Matrix Beam module for high beam. The beam module emitted by each Matrix Beam module is divided into 15 independent segments which switch on and off gradually, segment by segment, based on the driving conditions detected by the camera above the windscreen. . As a result, drivers of DS3 Crossback cars can keep their main beams on without dazzling other road users.

Because the segments are managed individually and dynamically, the light flux can be accurately tuned to the vehicle's route, and the power output can also be adapted to the current situation. Another feature of this made-to-measure approach is that when entering or leaving a town, the segments switch off or on progressively to switch from dipped to full headlights.

On DS 3 Crossback, DS DRIVE ASSIST delivers a more relaxed drive. This DS driver assistance system is a further step on the road to autonomous vehicles. Using the on-board radar and camera, DS 3 Crossback adapts to the driving conditions: the vehicle follows the set course and adapts automatically its speed, for a speed equal to the safety distance and to a complete stop if necessary, thereby assisting the driver, who can take back control at any time.

DS DRIVE ASSIST: drive or be driven

Premiered on DS 7 Crossback, DS DRIVE ASSIST is now available on DS 3 Crossback. This function regulates vehicle speed in relation to the vehicle in front and acts on the steering to precisely position DS 3 Crossback in its lane based on the driver's choices and habits. Available at speeds of up to180 kph / 112mph (depending on national legislation), the system controls the vehicle's speed and path. This system is particularly useful in traffic jams or on the motorway, for example, where DS 3 Crossback becomes a vigilant eye for the driver. In this way, it contributes to a more relaxed driving experience.

With DS PARK PILOT, drivers of DS 3 Crossback can park automatically, without using the steering wheel and the pedals. This system is able to check whether a parking space big enough for DS 3 Crossback simply by driving past at a speed of up to 30 kph / 18.5mph. Using the touch screen, the driver selects reverse or angle parking. The final step? Simply press the Park button and wait for the magic to happen.

DS 3 Crossback is opening new horizons: unlock and start your car using a smartphone through the MyDS app, lend it to the person of your choice without having to give them the key... These 'dream' functions are now a reality on DS 3 Crossback with the DS SMART ACCESS function via the MyDS app.

DS SMART ACCESS: no key required

A useful everyday companion, DS SMART ACCESS lets you unlock and start your DS 3 Crossback using the MyDS app. Using the Bluetooth protocol, the system remains operational even without a GSM network, making it unique on the market. And since cars are often shared, this innovation also lets the owner / driver make the vehicle available to up to five users at the same time without giving them the key. For each user, the owner / driver can authorise the access and start functions permanently or for a limited time.

Advanced safety

Safety is non-negotiable. DS 3 Crossback is equipped with a range of advanced safety features. For example, it is equipped with the Active City Brake, a new generation of emergency braking which is able to identify cyclists, pedestrians, even at night. New in the segment, thanks to a new-generation radar that extends the range of recognised emergency braking conditions. As a result, in the event of an emergency, DS 3 Crossback can brake without action being taken by the driver, day and night.

The architecture of DS 3 Crossback reflects the same protective approach, as illustrated by the height of the waist line, the thickness of the door panels and - above all - the presence of eight airbags. In terms of active safety, numerous innovations are available, including lane positioning assist, DS DRIVE ASSIST, information and adaptation of vehicle speed based on traffic sign recognition, lane keeping assist, etc. In terms of safety, D 34 sets new standard in its class with this range of advanced safety features, going beyond the requirements for 5 in the Euro NCAP protocol.

Active Safety Brake: new-generation emergency braking

Using new-generation radar sensors monitoring the area in front of the vehicle, the emergency braking system on DS3Crossback identifies stationary vehicles and vehicles driving in the same direction as well as cyclists in the same lane and pedestrians by day or by night. A breakthrough in pedestrian safety! With this system, if the vehicle gets dangerously close to an obstacle, the driver receives a visual alert followed by another visual alert. If they do not react, emergency braking is activated. Depending on vehicle speed, the system will either apply the brakes for the driver in order to avoid contact, or slow the vehicle as much as possible. This system is activated automatically at speeds of over 5 kph / 3mph and up to 140 kph / 87mph. In the event of emergency braking, the driver can take back control at any time by accelerating.

A high-tech fully digital driving display

Modern and intuitive, the digital instrument cluster lets the driver display a wide range of driving information using a pull-down menu with up to five different and customisable screens.

The head-up display projects key driving information in colours onto a transparent panel and in the driver's field of vision: vehicle speed, speed limiter and cruise control, traffic sign information, as well as driving and navigation aids.

Completing the array of features is a 10.3" entertainment screen in HD format (the largest in its class) with smartphone mirroring and connected navigation. It is positioned at the top of the fascia to ensure visibility while driving.

Both a city car and a long distance road car, 100% ICE and 100% electric, without compromise, the most technological on the market, DS 3 Crossback is pursuing an ambitious objective: to be No. 1 in the Premium B SUV segment.

Roy Aasen

Bilen skal stilles ut i Bertel O. Steens showroom i Oslo sentrum.
Den vil være der en uke, fra 8. til 15. desember.

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