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Buddy Citi-Jet 6 (From Norway to Ukraine)

Startet av Oleksii Paskal, onsdag 09. august 2017, klokken 08:48

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Oleksii Paskal

Greetings from Ukraine.
I am very interested in car - Buddy Citi-Jet 6.
I want to ask my Customs Service of Ukraine about the amount of customs payments, that I have to pay in case of buying a car (in
Can you provide a copy of "The technical documentation for a car from a manufacturer's factory (including information about engine type and batteries)"? I need this to request a payment amount. I will translate the technical documentation into Ukrainian and send the request to the Customs Service of Ukraine.
I will repair the car myself.
I will install the batteries (lithium from Nissan Leaf). In Ukraine, we do so with old cars (CITROEN Saxo/Peugeot 106 and maybe Buddy Citi-Jet 6). We give them a new life.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Oleksii Paskal.

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