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Sveitsisk firma vil drive elbiler med kald fusjon

Startet av tomrh, fredag 28. august 2015, klokken 10:53

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Brillouin Energy har fått verifisert sin LENR prosess av SRI International

To our knowledge, this ability to demonstrate the production of a verifiable and
repeatable LENR heat output with positive COPs, which are consistently initiated and
uninitiated on command using system design control mechanisms are unique in this field.
Significant progress in increasing the COP, and the absolute LENR reaction power output
in total watts, has been made in 2017 vs. 2016
2019 Nissan e-NV200, 50.000 km
2012 Nissan Leaf (kjøpt -14), 190.000 km  
2012 Mitsubishi i-MiEV, 180.000 km


Sitat fra: tomrh på tirsdag 20. mars 2018, klokken 07:42
Brillouin Energy har fått verifisert sin LENR prosess av SRI International
Significant progress in increasing the COP, and the absolute LENR reaction power output
in total watts, has been made in 2017 vs. 2016
SitatBrillouin indicates that it has designed the control systems in its reactors to drive the
underlying physics of LENR, as described in its Controlled Electron Capture Reaction (CECR)
Hypothesis, which is how it believes its reactors generate controlled LENR Reaction Heat. This
Report does not attempt to prove or disprove Brillouin's CECR Hypothesis.
Altså: Noe skjer som en ikke helt kan forklare. Men det er, så vidt jeg kan se, hele tiden snakk om effekt (power), ikke energi.
Hyundai Ionic.
Tidliger mange år i PSA klasiker.

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