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Meldinger - Earlian

Model X 2014 - 2022 / Sv: Reservasjon
mandag 01. juni 2015, klokken 22:46
I am out for good.  :D

Thx for your Support, but I'll gett a S70D this Summer.

If you want to go on with the Europe Reservation Statistics an the Graph, everybody feel free to use it.

I will add the excel file here.

Have fun while Waiting for the X, it will be a great car.

Greetings Earl

Tesla / Sv: Tesla aksjer
onsdag 22. april 2015, klokken 10:33
Sorry because lack of language i didnt find a thread with sales numbers here, but i thought you might be interested.
belgium, fin and portugal are still missing, but it leads the way. greetings Earlian

Model X 2014 - 2022 / Reservasjon
tirsdag 31. mars 2015, klokken 07:39
Thx for your help and this great site!

2013 Norway 1991 Europe 3906: 50,97%
2014 Norway 4048 Europe 9493: 42,64%

Based on that 40-50% norwegian MX-reservation seem appropriate.
Model X 2014 - 2022 / Reservasjon
mandag 30. mars 2015, klokken 15:06
That would interest others as well.

I searched for the sales numbers for Model S 2014 Total Europe and for Norway but couldn't find till now. Perhaps from that we can conclude a percentage...

Sorry again for using English language (don't understand a single word, just using Norge translator, and don't want to use this backwards, because they still don't work like they should)
Model X 2014 - 2022 / Reservasjon
søndag 29. mars 2015, klokken 09:11
Gratulations to bertin and thx for the numbers. So here is the latest update based on the rare numbers from the last months.

IF august 2015 for the release will hold this time, we probably won't see the monthly reservation numbers this close to the ground, for a long time.

Greetings from the south
Model X 2014 - 2022 / Sv: Reservasjon
mandag 09. februar 2015, klokken 11:56
Yes and I think the first not only here: Europe-wide


Greetings @all

Model X 2014 - 2022 / Sv: Reservasjon
søndag 28. desember 2014, klokken 23:16
Thank you Sigurdi for your inside.

The possibility (and it sounds like it's more than that) of 20-50% would have pushed me too, I think.

Here in Germany we have literally no advance on EV's, so we are still waiting for something, but we also had around 7% increase through dollar-Euro. Hopefully, this trend stops now.


(Will post an update on Eu-reservation-statistics, when new numbers coming up)
Model X 2014 - 2022 / Reservasjon
søndag 28. desember 2014, klokken 20:44
Really, no more reservations in norway? What is going on? I read some reservation holders changed to "D". Are their tax reasons, or only because dual motor is still enough and SUVs not popular?

Sorry again, I did use google translate to read here, but I don't think it produces understandable talk using it backwards, so I'll do it with english again.

Greetings from Germany and merry Christmas all!


-Last Eu-Reservation known was 3084 in November, 19th.
Model X 2014 - 2022 / Reservasjon
onsdag 01. oktober 2014, klokken 21:28
Sitat fra: tessy på onsdag 01. oktober 2014, klokken 12:48
#2815 Reservert idag..


And while i got half my Numbers from here, i feel the need to share my graphics.

Thank you all for sharing your numbers and greetings from the south (middle of Germany)

Earl (#2064, june)
Sorry, cant write in norwegian

-Europe monthly with alltime-high
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