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Eneste er at det bugger litt når man prøver å velge hvilken tariff man har, men i følge support:

Jedlix Support Team (Jedlix)
Nov 9, 2020, 12:59 GMT+1

We have noticed some users having hourly rates in Norway. We have consulted our product team and we come with the following recommendation:
•   For now, we advise you don't select any tariff or time window (or select single tariff) in the 'Mine strømpriser' tariff section of the app. By not selecting anything you will be automatically steered on Norwegian hourly rates as published by Nord Pool spot. We have created this solution to help clients with hourly rate contracts.
•   We are not yet able to represent the energy bill savings in the app when choosing this option. Our product team is investigating a solution for this, so you also have insights in the savings you make on your hourly rate bill.
•   By smart charging, through this option, you still receive the additional earnings per kWh as promised in our service. These earnings are on top of any savings you make on your energy bill.
•   We recommend to only connect your vehicle at Jedlix to prevent double control of your vehicle. Good to mention that Jedlix is the only official smart charging integration partner of Tesla, Jaguar and Renault for smart charging.

I hope the recommendation is clear for now and this helps your smart charging experience. Based on your feedback and suggestion we will further improve our service to make an impact on sustainable energy and mobility!

Kind Regards,
Ruben - Team Jedlix
Alternativ energi / Microinverter solcelle
torsdag 16. oktober 2014, klokken 01:27
Ble ganske fasinert av mikro invertere ved å lese

Ser jo enklere og tryggere ut, i forhold til konvensjonelle invertere.
Ser heller ikke ut til å være så fryktelig mye dyrere heller, samt man kan skalere meget lettere etc..

Noen gode argumenter hvorfor man ikke bør  vurdere dette?
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