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Emner - Catalin A

Good morning

Does someone know if is normal on the Nikcometer to show reduced power 80% even  after the batteries are fully charged?
I have a problem with my Think that I can drive only 30-35 km until the meter shows 15% and I don't know if I should drive it to 0% (was thinking that I have that 20% power left on the batteries) and another thing is when I put the car to charge it is charging with only 32-36 Ah according to the Nikometer.
Some advises from more experienced Think users would be appreciated.

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First of all I just bought a Think that was standing still for long time.

- I was able to remove the batteries from the car during the weekend  and after measurement of the voltage I've seen that the nominal voltage on the batteries was 18.7V,I refill them with around 2 liters of distillate water and   recharge them external in pairs of two until I goth 127vDC (~6,6 per battery).
-Yesterday evening I install back the battery pack on the car and I was able to move it, all other components are working
-I was connecting the car to the power supply to charge the batteries with his own charger around 19 o'clock but in this morning the light in the dash was still blinking (after 11 hours). When I was opening the door of the car  in the morning I could hear some relays in the battery box connecting and disconnecting sequentially.

Do you know if that is the normal way of charging (connecting and disconnecting the relays)?
Do you also remember if the Power meter during charging is rising or all the time is at 0? I let the car connected to the socket and I unplug it around 10-11 o'clock, I'm thinking since the batteries was really discharged it will take more time that normal to charge. I also understand from the forum that the batteries will be charged on 70-75% when you have ''maintenance charge required''.
What is the normal time for the car to charge to 100%?

Thanks in advance
Think City "Classic" (2000 - 2002 mod) / Diagnostic tool needed
fredag 09. november 2018, klokken 08:50
Hello Guys,

I just bought an old Th!nk Piv 4 with some faults that I want to get rid of them and to bring this car back to life.
I don't have many information's from the last owner only that he bought it like that.
I have two errors on the dash board :
-System fault- but could be from the safety belts that are removed for the moment.
-Charge maintenance required.

I understand from the forum that I need to refill with water the batteries but prior to that I need to initiate maintenance charges.
Since I'm new on this area I would like to ask you if you could help me and guide what kind of diagnostic tool I need to buy and from where.

Please help me out to bring this mini eCar back to life!

Thanks and regards from Sweden!

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