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Emner - Rafael de Mestre

Alt det andre / Norway included at international EV rally 80edays?
søndag 12. november 2017, klokken 03:06
Dear EV fans,
I'm searching for support to make it true that we can include Norway into the next edition of 80edays, the famous around the world rally, the Olympic Games of EV technology.
We would like to take the route crossing Norway and then shipping the 20 international participants ... Norvegian Team not set yet and would be welcome to join ... to Canada via an old sailing ship
The rally will start in Summer 2020 and if you want to see more over the last editions you're welcome to join the youtube channel, to like or to check the website for the hisory and updates:

Every helping hand is welcome.
Looking forward to your answers.
Rafael de Mestre

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