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Emner - Jeronan

Model Y / Model Y Acceleration Boost now available.
fredag 10. september 2021, klokken 19:19
For those interested. It's now available as upgrade.

Go from 0-100km/h in 4,4s instead of 5,0s.

Price: 18.500 NOK.  ::)

Miss the good old times when we got the uncorked upgrade for free on our Model S.  :P

Anyone experiencing the same, where the lootbox disappeared from the Tesla app last week and my referrals are also no longer showing in my Tesla account on the website! That whole section has been removed!

I thought that it was maybe a bug, since it has happened in the past, but usually it came back within a few days.

Now it has been over a week since it disappeared. I also send Tesla an email about it, but as usual your email disappears in a black hole without a response.  :-1:

Both my referrals were confirmed already last year ( July and October ) and both Signature Wallboxes were ordered via the app many months ago!

Long before the deadline, but now it's just all gone.  >:(
Tesla SW og AP / 2018.48.12.1 update crashes MCU with spotify playlist.
lørdag 22. desember 2018, klokken 10:38
Anyone experiencing the same with the last software update?

Every time I try to select a playlist in spotify, the MCU freezes completely for a minute or so and then goes black and resets.  >:(

Nothing helps. Logged out of Spotify and logged back in. Even complete shutdown of the car for 5 mins.

So will have to use Spotify on my phone for now until this will hopefully be fixed in next software update.  :(

We already have the Thule wingbar for our Model S, used it this winter for the skies.

I was wondering if the wingbar on the Model S is wide enough to carry three Thule Pro 598 sykkelstativ on the roof for two adult bikes and one small bike for our son?

Anyone else tried this and/or have experience with this?
Bestilling og levering / My Model S 75D delivery - Drammen location
fredag 03. november 2017, klokken 09:29
So...finally the day came and I could pick up my car at 10:00 yesterday morning in Drammen.  ;D

I came there a bit early, so I double checked my Volvo so everything was cleaned out and didn't forget anything.
Took some coffee and took a walk to the back to talk to the Service Center people, as I wanted the Tesla rubber floor mats and the Tire repairkit.
They immediately made an order for me and picked it up at the storage facility, so it would be ready at 10:00 with the car.

10:00 sharp! Delivery guy came! Very nice guy and we went through the Volvo first, so everything was in order for the trade-in. Signing the usual papers, etc.

Then.... there she was! The Model S 75D! 

I had some checklists memorized in my head and went through them checking out the Exterior first, then the interior.

- Winter tires mounted check
- Metalic lack check
- Door lists lining up check
- All doors opening and closing check
- All the rubber lining in the doors check
- New back seat check
- Adaptive front lights check
- Sun roof opening and closing check
- Checking interior panels that they are firmly in place check
- Raising and lowering Air suspension check
- Frunk and Trunk opening and closing check
- etc. etc. etc

Everything was in perfect order! Not a single issue to be detected. The scratch on the leather in one of the door panels (discovered by technical check at Drammen Havn) was fixed!  :+1:

Only thing missing was the Type 2 to Type 2 charging cable, since it's been out of stock and the Factory still hasn't send them!
So I would get the cable later when it was back in stock. I wanted this in writing, so he fixed that and I got it in writing! 
( We got a Type 2 to Type 2 cable in our BMW i3, so we can use that one for time being when needed. No problem)

The delivery guy then helped me getting the rubber mats in the car and then he asked if I had any further questions and needed any more help or assistance (like car features, etc) and that I had to drive for about 200km to calibrate the Autopilot.

He also told me that the summer tires would be send to Vianor in Brynn, Oslo. So I could pick them up there in spring.

All in all....great and smooth delivery experience at Drammen location!

....and then off I went! Driving a fantastic car!   ;D

Tesla / Tesla trekker tilbake 11.000 biler
fredag 13. oktober 2017, klokken 11:07
Well this is going to be interesting.  :-\

Elbilprodusenten Tesla tilbakekaller 11.000 biler av typen Model X verden over. Grunnen er et problem med at baksetene ikke kan låses skikkelig på plass.
Alle kjøretøy med nedleggbare bakseter laget mellom 28. oktober 2016 og 16. august 2017 blir tilbakekalt, opplyser Tesla.
Problemet er at det er noen kabler i setet som kan ha blitt strammet feil, noe som forhindrer at venstre sete låser seg i oppreist stilling. Om setet ikke er skikkelig låst, kan den bevege seg fremover ved en kollisjon.

Wonder how this is going to affect delivery in coming months. The service centers here are already struggling with capacity!  This is certainly going to cause to delays for our deliveries.  :(

EDIT: Article up now on E24:

It looks like it can affect up to 3000 cars in Norway.
BMW i3 / BMWi wallbox NG problem
fredag 10. februar 2017, klokken 07:49

This morning we noticed that the wallbox was beeping with error blue/red/red/red bar.
The car's battery was down to 95% due to preconditioning on battery instead of wallpower eventhough connected.

Anyone had this error before on the wallbox? As this error code blue/red/red/red isn't mentioned in the troubleshooting section in the manual.
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