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Emner - Frederic


I am wrestling with an Li-Ion battery.I am looking at 5 contactors in the battery pack.
The precharge relay contactor has a coil resistance of 75 ohm
The lower high voltage contactors (200v) have a coil resistance of 30 ohm
The Kilovac EV200, the high voltage contactors (400v) both show no résistance ...... open circuit between the black and red wire...... could the coil be dead ?

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Still sweating on this battery problem.

Who could help or give me some hints about our problem?

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We have replaced the precharge resistor, we have tested the precharge relay......

Thank you

Upon reconnexion of the repaired battery, we have this error message ......

00 00 08 00
"More than max error "

Do you know what it is ?


We have a battery with possibly a bad RLEC board....... We have a spare one but not with the proper address....

Any idea on how to modify the address of this board ?

Thank you !

We are looking for battery parts to refurbish our Li-Ion Battery Pack


  • Battery cells

Thank you


We are a group of Think City owners in Annecy (France).

Two of our members have started to have serious problems with their vehicles.

Both do not allow for traction battery charging nor for engine running (moving)

Both were diagnosed with Bosch KTS system with no meaningful result.

Both PCU were dismounted to have a look at the fuses inside.... everything was ok...

We have decided to move to a PEAK system PCAN view, as several positive references were found on this forum.

We would be thankful to receive some advise on how to use it, how to connect it, to allow for its best usage.
Should it be used alone or in combination with other hardware or software?

Thank you


I am looking for a front left side turn signal for my Think City

Thank you

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I have installed a nice charging station at home supplied with J1772 connector.

I would like to convert my Think City and my PCS to this standard.

I have managed the mechanical interface so far but I have some doubts regarding wiring and hook up.

Has anyone done it yet ?


One member of our Think driver community has had some problem. When turning the key nothing happen. The car was subjecyed to a Bosch ESItronic diagnostic tool.

Here are the defect code

C1184   ABS no CAN signal ABS not ready
P1F18    PCU
P1F27    Low battery (12v)
P1F22    PCU error
U0111    ?
U0131    CAN bus Power Steering
U1903    ?
B1E07    ?

Any clue on what we should be looking for or what to do ?

Thank you

On the recently repaired Think (blown line fuse in the PCU), charging is working fine, the car has about 100+ km autonomy in city plus mountain environment. However the charge process seems to be never ending... allready 2 charges at more than 12 hours that I had to abort.

Any idea of what is going on ?
Any thing that I should check ?

Thank you
"An unofficial resource for owners of Think City electric vehicles in the Pacific Northwest and around the world."

PS: I am looking for diagnostic tool : Think TechCentre

Thank you

I am looking for the PCU disasembly instruction

Thank you


I have made several attempt to charge my friend's Th!nk with no success.
Initially we thought it was due to the poor performance of the 12V battery
The battery was replaced by a new one... no success
we have the red spanner lighted red on the dash board and only 1/2 of the green charge pilot lignten

Any clue ?

Thank you
I am the new owner, since Dec. 29th, of a black Li-Ion Th!nk (registered in Feb. 2011 with 11500 km on the clock), located in France near the swiss border.

I have installed a small lead acid battery meter/tester in the center console to monitor the juice coming out of the service battery. 
I have noticed that the voltage looks low (high 11V) after the car has been resting for as short as two days (not the case here, just coming back from a 30 min road trip).
Thus I have decided to replace the service battery.
But everything is packed down there ! hopefully my Th!nk does not have AC

What is the best way to extract the old one ?
What is the best way to insert it back ?

Thank you for your help
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